Saturday: We woke up early, ran errands and then hit the road for PA. Brooke's basketball team had thier first round of the State Playoffs at Norristown Highschool. Of course the Angelos' brought a large cheering section (10 of us). Villa won and advance to the second round on Wednesday. Here is a picture of Grandmom and Pop-Pop Paradise:

Saturday Night: After the game we headed up further North to Harleysville, PA to visit Mark's cousins. The day was surrounded by excitement as we celebrated Brendan and Christine's engagement. We also were able to see the Schreiber Grandparents as they came over too! The whole family gathered at Mark and Bec's apartment for dinner, dessert, and games. It was a great opportunity to visit with all of the Schmidts (Uncle George and Aunt Cathy and the kids David, Bec and "Teen"). We told lots of old stories and laughed harder than we have for a while. Here is a group shot of Brendan, Teen, Mark, Bec, David, Patricia, Me, and Mark:

Sunday Morning: We woke up early and met my best friend Sarah for breakfast in West Chester to hear all about her new job and talk about the rest of what is going on in our lives. After breakfast, we were still to early for church so we stopped by Starbucks to drink even more coffee and read the daily papers (about the game the day before). We were able to go to church with Sarah, meet some of her friends, and worship together. It was great to catch up. We don't get to see Sarah often enough. (Hopefully she is coming to visit DC in April.)
Finally we drove back to the Eastern Shore for another meal with the Schreibers and a relaxing afternoon watching golf. What a wonderful weekend.
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