Our weekend

consisted of relaxing and lots of visits to old friends. One of the main reasons for our visit was to plant the garden in Essex. Here are some photos of our hard work. As you can see, Nora helped plant too! The garden now includes: cucumbers,

green bell peppers, sweet basil, lettuce, green beans, pumpkin, peas, zucchini, watermelon, tomatoes, and sunflowers. Nora and Honey planted a few potted flowers and a mix of flowers in the center section

of the garden. It will be great to go back later this summer and see how much everything has grown. Last year we didn't plant until mid July, so the odds are good that we will have success this year starting more than a month earlier.

During our (way too short) visit, we were also able to see the Backiels, the Wards, and the Wisdoms. We love being able to see so many friends in one place, but it always reminds us of how many people we miss. We already cannot wait for our next road trip!
Here is a funny picture of Stacey and Gus. He is the biggest lap dog I have ever met. No matter where Stacey is sitting, Gus just climbs right up to snuggle. It is hilarious to observe, especially as he is climbing on the rocking recliner!
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