Labor day is the celebration of the value and dignity of work.
The first labor day parade (held in 1882) was actually a group of union workers gathared in protest.
Ironically for many of us today, labor day symbolozes going back to work and the end of summer. The long holiday weekend has become known for long lines of traffic heading to the beach, hot dogs and hamburgers from the grill, and savoring the last bits of summer.
This year Mark and I spent our long weekend on the Eastern Shore. We were fortunate to avoid the traffic, but dove head first into the traditional BBQ! Mark's cousins drove down from PA to go sailling and we had a blast. Amanda drove through with friends on her way to Georgia. It was great to see Amanda, and say {goodbye} until we are able to visit her in Africa. Sunday evening Phil and Kami, Tommy and Fallon and baby on the way joined us at Mark's parents for a cook out and some low key fun. It was an incredible relaxing weekend on the water and hanging out in his parents yard. Here are a few photos:

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