Thank you to all of our service men and women. To those who are active, retired, in the reserves, or who have fallen serving or country. Thank you for your sacrifices which will not be in vein. Thank you to the families who let their loved ones serve and stood strong be their side at home.
Coming from a military family, I have memories which will forever be ingrained. I hope and pray these memories continue to urge me towards constant gratitude for both my family, and every other family that is making similar sacrifices year after year so that we can be free.
Today I thank my family:
Lieutenant Colonel Leo Paradise, served in the Army and the Navy
Sergeant First Class James Paradise, served in the Army
Sergeant First Class Mary Baldino, served in the Army
Sergeant Mark Baldino, served in the Army
Captain Robert Paradise, served in the Army
Captain Robin Paradise, served in the Army
Private George Jacob, served in the Marine Corps
Lieutenant Colonel Leo Paradise, served in the Army and the Navy
Sergeant First Class James Paradise, served in the Army
Sergeant First Class Mary Baldino, served in the Army
Sergeant Mark Baldino, served in the Army
Captain Robert Paradise, served in the Army
Captain Robin Paradise, served in the Army
Private George Jacob, served in the Marine Corps
At church on Sunday, the pastor had all veterans stand...then their spouses...then children of anyone who had served...then anybody who had any family member who had ever served. Every single person was standing. It's a shame that not a single major newspaper this morning had a front page article about Veteran's Day. Our entire nation owes these brave men and women its gratitude.