Wait, you need background info. She is an avid reader and over Christmas helped me become Obsessed with (dare I say it?) Nicholas Sparks...yes really! I have read 4 books by him this year - in less than two months! I have become a totally and complete sap! And, his latest book turned movie, Dear John was coming out on Friday, so I had to drive to PA before a major snow storm right? Well, that wasn't my only reasons. That kid sister I mentioned, Brooke, well she is an incredible basketball player and is injured, likely out for the remainder of her Junior year. She sprained her ankle in three places and fractured it near her growth plate. It is big, ugly, swollen, and still green after TWO weeks. So yes, I really did have to drive to PA. Her spirits needed boosting!

Being the wise woman that I am, I left for Philly on Thursday. I called Mark late that night as I was passing through Wilmington so he wouldn't worry about me in the snow. When I finally arrived at my parent's house I couldn't believe they were all up waiting for me. My sister was exhausted but noticeably happy to see me, and the look of relief on my mom's face led me to believe she was happy to have someone there to lift Brooke's spirits.
Friday we had lunch with our Mom at her office and then all went to the movie. The entire theatre was filled with girls from the local private schools who all got out early due to the storm. Brooke and I each brought a box of tissues and sobbed through the entire movie, even while we laughed! It was a great movie, but we are still debating whether the plot changed for the big screen made it better or worse than the book. We might never decided.
On Saturday we all bundled up in the living room with chili on the stove to play games and watch college basketball and cleaned Brooke's room in between reading MORE books by Nicholas Sparks.
Finally, I realized that I needed to start shoveling. Here are some pictures of the insane amount of snow that blanketed much of the mid-atlantic and a video...

I opened the garage door...and didn't know where to begin!

That is my dad's car, that mound in front of the house!
Note: nearly three feet of snow drift over the porch.

Well, my mom didn't want it to cause damage, so she leaned out of the window to push it off the front! Go Mom!
And here is a video of the whole thing:
We capped the weekend with a family viewing of the animated movie Up! Now this is a movie I would highly recommend for anyone. Great family movie that kept us all rolling in laughter. Go watch it if you haven't already!
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