I am getting back into the swing of reading as the weather has cooled and curling up on the couch with a book becomes more appealing. October consisted of two memoirs and chick-lit for easy reading. IT was a very satisfying month of books.
As much as I want to end this year strong, I think November and December are going to be swallowed up by "baby-prep." Time will tell how many books I squeeze in before our little one arrives!
Mini Shopaholic
- this book is exactly what you would expect. A tummy toning hillarious read that was quick and light hearted.
Mennonite in a Little Black Dres
s - while it opened my eyes towards cultural differences I was unaware of, (I grew up in an area with a large mennonite population) I had difficulty connecting with Rhoda and even finishing this book. I put it down for almost a week will less that 20 pages left! Typically an unheard of reading pattern for me.
The Glass Castle
confession...I am still reading this book, but desperately wanted to count it for October} I love it so far and cannot wait to provide my full review.
What should I add to my reading list between now and the beginning of breastfeeding?
I suggest you read "The Back of Your Eyelids." I have found this to be the most profitable read of my pregnancy. (Hardy har, I'm so funny, I know)