::All About Marriage:: Cooking Skills

Molly aka "the Mrs." of Mr. & Mrs. Rogoloso in detail has become one of those blog friends who you think of during the day and go to call...before you realize that duh, you don't have her number because we are "just" blog friends.  Well, we are working on changing that.  In the mean time, here she is sharing about how she is so much like me marriage.  p.s. I can't wait for Mark to read this post because he might think I secretly wrote it.


Hello all!
My name is Molly and I have a little blog called Mr. & Mrs. Rigoloso in detail.
I am honored that Shannon asked me to hang out with you guys today while she and Mark celebrate their looove!

Here's my man and me, young and in love, as a brand new engaged couple.

And here we are making it official...
 in the same church where my parents and maternal grandparents each married.

And here's the time I attempted to make my husband a nice, homemade meal and nearly burned our house down.

I could tell you that marriage is dreamy and sexy and beautiful.
And I would not be lying to you. It is dreamy and sexy and beautiful.
It is also hard and taxing and intense...
Because sometimes even the best intentions produce arguments and hurt feelings and even grease fires.

I don't know if Shannon has ever burned dinner so badly that she nearly took the house down with it, but I know she'd agree that marriage is hard work.
And five years later, I think she and Mark would both say it is worth it.

Happy 5 years, Shannon + Mark!
Justin and I send you wishes for many more sweet years of marriage.

And we'll throw in this little jewel because we like you guys so much...
Oil in a cast iron skillet takes very little time to heat and consequently ignite.


  1. haha, love this molly!

    you're right-- it's sexy AND intense AND crazy AND great AND hard all at the same time.

  2. awwwww love these photos of you guys.

    I have not almost burned the kitch down yet, but I have made some meals that we've had to throw away.

  3. love this story molly. it makes me laugh again and again and again!

  4. oh my goodness. that's some seriously burnt dinner. ha.
