Bright Five Favorites

Warning: This is a ridiculously random list of finds.
1. adorable birth announcement.
{this view may or may not be influenced by the fact that I am ready for baby no. 2 but not yet pregnant}

2. Raspberries.  
The last pint of the season sitting on the top shelf of our refrigerator

3. A confesstion: I overuse the exclamation point!!!  

Admitting you have a problem is the first step right?

4. A new kind of kneepad, cropping up on the interwebs seen here and tutorial here.

5. The newest clutches from k.slademade and a giveaway to boot.  But I don't really want you to enter.

And incase you are having a rough week, some puppy love and my favorite dog in all of blog land.


  1. awww scout's your fav dog of blogland?

    I'll tell her. She'll prob end up getting a big head about it and walking about the house all too good for us.

  2. i want to eat those raspberries. now. and also - i wasn't following you either {shock and awe} -- i just have you on my google reader! that's how i follow most people. whoopsies. but now - i am a follower. {which sounds creepy a lil} xo

  3. @ladylee - truth be told, I am not a huge dog person, but Scout is so beautiful, she was the initial reason I kept coming back to your blog!

    @julie - raspberries are THE BEST! Glad we now creep each other.

  4. love love love the exclamation point break-down.
    i can be an over-user, too but i can usually stick to two.
    one's never enough, two just feels right!

    but the zillion points followed by the "1" mis-fire is THE BEST!!

