Fall Lately

While we were in North Carolina last weekend, we dressed Behr up in his halloween costume.  Because who doesn't think a kid in a costume is adorable?  Taking advantage of the sunlight and nice weather, we grabed a few photos.  Thank goodness we did, because Monday night was hectic in the Schreiber house!   But we will get to that bit later.  Behr liked his costume af first, but couldn't quite figure out what was on his head and eventually just sat, stiff as a board with his arms out straight with a look of panic.  While we didn't get any winning photos, these will certainly be good enough for the baby book.  You know, the one sitting on the shelf collecting dust.

Our trip to North Carolina was to visit this fabulous couple: 

They played great hosts and we were thrilled to stroll around Chapel Hill and downtown Durham with them.  Behr even convinced them that kids are a cake walk. wink wink.

On Monday we stepped out into the DC halloween scene and could not have been more impressed by the neighbors we had the chance to catch up with and the true community feel that often gets lost in the big city.  We ended up in our old neighborhood for pizza and beer with good friends.  Last year the group had three kids, this halloween, we jumped to seven.  If this pace continues, long the adults will be severly outnumbered in short time.

The common these of the night was the kids "organizng" their candy.  Only in DC are the parents so type-A that kdis find joy in organizing candy by color.  Behr was so excited to be hanging out with folks his size.  He loved taking in all the action.

And yesterday, our walk home from work (my bike has a flat tire) was absolutely beautiful.  Here are some pictures of my favorite part of the walk.

I am still amazed that we actually live here.

I am linking up to small style.
Behr's costume was a hand-me-down.
Free, the best kind!


  1. This is the cutest outfit I've ever seen.

  2. oh dear God. Behr is so snuggly-looking!


  3. That's gotta be the cutest giraffe I've ever seen!

  4. Awwww, now that is one cute little giraffe!
