Forts and Tents and Games, oh my!

This past weekend, we enjoyed so much needed downtime.  Sunday was a lazy day {for me} in the Schreiber household, and I wouldn't have had it any other way.  We spent a lot of time in bed, soaking up our extra hour.  Mark took care of us with a pancake breakfast and let behr and I nap together while he cleaned the entire apartment.  Behr and I started making a tent with the bed sheets that quickly turned into a game of peek-a-boo fully of hysterical laughter.  As any good blogger would, I attempted to capture this moment on know with my old fashioned point-and-shoot with no fancy settings to utilize.  While a faster shutter speed would have definitely helped get the expression, the blurry haze of our activity sums up our lazy day quite well.  As for the three day weekend we have coming up, I am hoping for more of last weekend, family time in bed.  How about you?

This is my favorite. 
You can almost hear the laughter jumping out of this photo.

Behr is wearing a long sleeve onesie and blue sweatpants from carter's
both were gifts from the grandparents


  1. Super sweet photo! You're right, you can totally feel the laughter coming off of it

  2. Behr is kinda too much for me to handle. he is scrumptious. Weird for me to say? haha


  3. @Emily Baker - you are not the first to call him scrumptious. Nor are you the first blogger to reference "eating" him, in the most normal way possible.

  4. These pictures make me so happy. That Behr is one sweet fella.

  5. Oh man Molly, calling him a fella makes him sounds so old!

  6. oh, he is so sweet! Isn't it fun to watch our kiddos have fun?

    And as to incorporating vintage into his wardrobe, I've found that using one vintage piece mixed with the rest current seems to work. Although I never dressed my boys in vintage-I have a feeling that girls are much easier!

  7. So fun! And I agree, I can almost hear the laughter coming from that photo ~

  8. Adorable! I can almost hear him squealing with laughter! We are doing the whole-house cleaning tonight in anticipation of B's parents arriving late tonight--we are in for a fantastic family-packed weekend.

  9. So cute! Looks like he is having a blast!

  10. An extra hour in bed sounds delicious!
    I love the blur in shots like this. It It captures the energy of the moment and you are right - I can see the laughter.

  11. @WhitMC - thanks for being the first person to answer my question about the weekend. Enjoy the cleaning, the guests, and the joy of watching them leave at the end of the trip!

    @ingrid - I wish I was getting an extra hour this weekend too!

  12. Looks like so much fun! He is adorable! Thanks for sharing!

  13. what lovely photos, lady! one day you will be so thankful you have these.

