A Giant Leaf Pile

We live in the city. We don't have a yard or leaves to rake, and our potted plants don't require "man-work." Every so often, we call up our friends, Phil and Kami, who live in the suburbs and ask if we can do yard work. Seriously. This year, the Mark and Phil had an incredible amount of leaves to rake, which I saw as a golden opportunity for a photo shoot.  And I would be lying if I didn't think about that when I dressed Behr this day.

Side note: Has it become ridiculously apparent that I force my child into photo shoots and continue taking pictures as he wails at me in protest?  Yes?  But this is a mother's right, no?  Okay, now that we got that out in the open, moving on...

Not only did I take advantage of Behr's first leaf pile, I also made sure we got a family photo.

First attempt was a lighting failure.  Last attempt, also failure, in spire of my greatest efforts to make Behr smile.  Do you see the stink eye he is giving me?  He even refused to play once we were safely inside the house.  Dad benefited from high quality time with Behr while he got over being mad at me.

At least my boys got to ride the "tractor."

Behr is wearing:
Orange Fleece - free, hand-me-down
Khaki Pants - free, gift from Carter's
Army Green Socks - free, gift from Old Navy
these socks stay on well if you are in the market!


  1. Very fun! I love the laughs in the first photos. I'm sure he'll appreciate the leaves more next year! Cute family photo too!

  2. Cute shots. I take photos of the kids crying too.

  3. Deb Duty - thanks for hosting the link up!

    Secret Mom Thoughts - glad to hear I am not the only one!

    Liz - it was a lot of fun! Thanks for stopping by.

  4. haha, i love that you ask your friends if you can do yard work. and as always, behr's adorable.

  5. baha. That's pretty funny...he's not having any of that leaf business. But apparently he's quite okay with the lawn tractor.

  6. Bridget - we are lame like that.

    Erica - so true, the tractor was much cooler than the leaves. And at 10 months, he is already quite oppinionated.

  7. Yes, it's absolutely a mother's right! Love the stink-eye picture. =>

  8. I love the Old Navy socks--I've found those are the only ones that stay on my little guy too.

    Fun pictures! I do not have the gift of photography--that goes to my husband. :)

  9. oh my gosh. love those shots.


  10. playing in the leaves is the best part of Autumn. I'm so glad you didn't miss out.

  11. Aww...so cute! He looks so fallish! I am loving orange right now! Great family picture! Blessings


  12. Hah! These pics are hilarious! My son does the exact same thing when I try to take a pic of him, lol!

  13. I love leaf pics! It looks like you guys had a great time with this!
