Saturday Shoes: by Maggy

Today's Saturday Shoes are brought to you by Maggy from over at Living Tall

I would like to say that I found these shoes...but really they found me... at a little boutique in San Francisco. They said "hey you thought you didn't like booties, but you just hadn't met the right ones." And you know what? They were right. Angels sang and my closet shone as I imagined stepping into this "won't they make my legs look big" trend. Before I knew it, the cash register was ringing and we were out the door. Only problem was that they were in my best friend's shopping bag and not mine. Darn you shopping budget. But that's ok...a girl can dream! Plus, they looked hot on her. I'm a good friend darn it! Just like Shannon. Thanks for having me over!

Here is Maggy and her best friend Becky
the one who actually gets to wear these shoes!

If you have a pair of shoes you love, are currently lusting over, find yourself searching for the perfect pair, or have a story like Maggy's and would like to be featured on Saturday Shoes, email me at: shannon.angelos {at}