A December to Remember

1. Evenings Out
 Friends of our sponsored a table at the IJM benefit dinner.
We dressed up and had a fancy party supporting an incredible cause.
Tracey and David, on the right, are just a few of the fabulous people we were able to spend our evening with.

Click here to learn more about the International Justice Mission.

2. We went to the zoo! At night!

As our first experience with zoo lights, it was pretty magical.
Bonus: on the night we went it snowed AND there was a santa pub crawl.
do you see the bad santa in a chimney behind us?

3. Blate
Nikki, from Cupcakes for Breakfast, and I met for coffee in DuPont at Dolcezza
coffee, conversation, atmosphere,
all ah-mazing!

I cannot wait to go back in the Spring for their gelato.

4. I love my etsy shop.

Is that weird to say? I am having a blast making stationery. Fulfilling custom orders. And meeting new customers. I love it so much, I am giving you a gift. Each comment on this post that mentions my etsy shop will be entered to win either 
one of the holiday card sets (gift tag, snowflake, candy cane) 

All you have to do is leave me a comment saying which card set you would like. And if you want the baby onesie, tell me blue or pink plus the initial monogram to stamp.

Bonus entry if you favorite my etsy shop. Be sure to leave a separate comment.

Double Bonus: 25% off all hand-stamped sets this weekend with coupon: BLOGLOVE25

5. Talented Friends
Mark and I met up with some friends from high school at Baggataway's Tavern in Conshohocken when we were in PA for Christmas.  Mark and I were reminded that Brian is one of the coolest guys we know.  He makes great conversation, is a blast to drink with, and is living his dream. Brian is one half of the creative genius behind the band The Carpet Squares. They are making music without a production company and loving each step of the journey.

6. SPA
Christmas Eve, the ladies in my family were treated to a surprise spa day at Joseph Anthony.
Foot baths in the relaxation room, steam in the alpine room, relaxation in the brine room, massages, and a spa lunch. We returned home floating. It was a fabulous morning.

 7. Behr has a new love. Stairs.

That's all.

8. Red Stamp

Have you all seen Red Stamp? I loved the online papery and was sad when they closed to focus on their mobile platform. But now I love their mobile platform even more. Here are two of the cards that have been sent to our family recently, from my phone.

Seriously, go download it from iTunes. You won't regret this.

9. New Years Eve Sparkle

These are a few of the nye images that are inspiring me. You can see the sources of these images and more inspiration on my pinterest boards holidays and party.

And with all of this inspiration, we have no party plans. I think we might snuggle and watch movies until 11:30. And then flick on the TV for perfunctory ball drop watching. And you know, something so simple will still be perfect. Perfect for us.

What are your new years eve plans? Are you going to be out on the town or cozy at home?

Oh, hi. You want a number 10? 
Well here is a silly video.
This is what happens when you give stupid people (aka me) an iPhone.

This is completely uneditted.
For the record, Mark was not holding his phone. I don't know why I said that.

The coolest part of this video? 
It reminds me of how we used to commentate our road trips when we were first dating. Still got it. Love.

And because I did this December review, basically over shared, and Behr's birthday is in a few weeks, I will be skipping a year in review, for now.

So there you have it. I am linking up with Elizabeth:


  1. I love those red cards in the picture. So cute!

  2. snowflakes. :)

    also, i want an etsy shop.

  3. also, i 'favorited' (?) you on etsy. :)

  4. I love your little etsy shop! And favorite'd' you.
    Those pink onesie cards with a little A on them would be perfect.
    Happy New Year! xo
