Eleven Months Old

Eleven months old. Soon this little baby is going to be a year and then it is not long before we are no longer counting in months around here.  But as time goes by it seems he is learning even more each month, our play time gets more interactive, our conversations more expressive, and fits of giggles last even longer.  He is becoming a jokester, playing tricks and laughing when he realizes the work. And as you see from this picture has become quite elusive.  When the video camera comes out he stops moving, and for the plain old point and shoot he looks away. Enjoy these not so great pictures!

Behr likes:

the dishwasher
making noise
to wave at everyone and everything
the toilet 
he is fascinated with the toilet and it is a daily struggle to keep him away
music of any sort, he likes to dance to the rhythm
to unplug things
moving things in and out of a bucket or box. he fills it up, dumps it out, and repeats.

Behr learned:

to stack blocks, not just knock them down
to move his play table and other mid-sized object all around the apartment to get where he is going.
to pull things off shelves we didn't think he could reach
to eat real big people food that we can order at restaurants, whoa!
to throw things behind our headboard and other hard to reach places.

Behr dislikes:

his changing table
being left by mom or dad
we are going through another bout of separation anxiety
some of his previous favorite foods like avocado and corn
being strapped into his car seat
which he has just about outgrown

Now the nitty gritty.

At his last appointment Behr weighed 19lbs. 7 oz.
this was a week or so ago due to 5 days of fever!

he has two teeth on the bottom, one up top
and is cutting at least 4 more!

he is more mobile than ever
becoming an efficient speed crawler
but prefers to stand whenever possible.

gives excellent high fives

and offers a smile to anyone willing to talk to him

we are in for an adventure, for sure!

happy eleven month birthday buddy!
momma will certainly try to take better pictures this month.


  1. Yeah Behr!!!! Happy 11 month birthday! Maybe he'll smile a lot for the camera next month and you'll get great 1 year-birthday pictures!

    Keep our fingers crossed!!

  2. Too adorable! Those eyes get me every time. Lady killer, for sure.

  3. hi shannon! i really glad that i got to meet you this weekend :] you are such a sweet heart. & not to mention your little one is adorable! & Happy 11 Months to him! :]

    "my unrehearsed life"

  4. Eeeek! He's so cute.
    Happy 11 months to your little guy.

  5. Aw, I think those are some great pictures! He looks so adorable!

  6. Behr!

    you are one handsome dude!

    I could squeeze you!
