Friday Favorites: Warming the Soul

Christmas time is here.  More than any other time of year, this season is one for the senses.  The smell of pine trees and sweet sugary baking, the texture of pine needles and gift wrap, ribbons and bows, the sight of twinkeling lights and the soft glow of candles in windows.  And how can I forget the tastes like this scrumptious hot chocolate above?  Ah, it warms the soul.  Here are my ten favorite finds richly welcoming the season. Feast your eyes.

1. Gingerbread yoga men, for all of the health nuts in your life!  How cheekey are these?

2. Simple and understated diy christmas trees for your table decor. 

3. Simple red and whtie packaging.

4. Free printable 2012 calendar, as a little gift to you.

5. These diy clay lollipops look delicious enough to eat! 

6. A simple "joy to the world" over the map.  I am toying with this idea for our own map, as our decorations are lacking this year.

8. Old fashioned candy canes seen here available herep.s. I was shocked when I saw where these were sold! 

9. This white donut tower could be the perfect low-cost/low-effort centerpiece for a holiday soiree.

10. This homemade granola would make the perfect gift for all of the aunts and uncles and cousins on my list.

this list ended up being a bit heavy on the edibles.  imagine that.
'tis the season, right?

I am linking up to E Tells Tales, woot woot!


  1. i love the joy to the world map idea!! so cute!!

  2. i love this post! i can't even pick a favorite. i like them all. the joy to the world map does stand out, though. very cool. oh, and powdered donuts are my WEAKNESS.

  3. Lovely photos! All the handmade goods are too cute. Thanks for sharing :)

  4. I adore the Joy to the World map! (And looking at your Thankful post, I love your son's contemplative faces!)

  5. I love the diy Christmas trees! I usually don't care for candy canes but those are really fantastic. That calendar is cute too (I love me a free printable).

  6. ahhh! just saw this! thanks so much for calling my calendar a favorite :)

  7. love the yoga gingerbread men! also love your family xmas list... specifically the highchair... would be a dream (times 2) for us!
