Merry {part deux}

On the eve of the eve, I posted our "real" family Christmas card.
The one we mailed out to 160+ of our nearest and dearest.
Don't ask me how that many people make our list...
I shudder as I sit to write the addresses each year...hand cramp! 
It is like an annual wedding, sort of.

But friends, I feel like letting you in on the secret.

This gem of a card is what we really wanted to send. So we printed it up anyway. Thanks to the ever fabulous TinyPrints for having extremely flexible designs allowing for ultimate customization. psst. we used the card: edgy name. Over the weekend, as we doled out carefully selected gifts to our family members, this was the accompanying message. A good laugh was had by all. 

And I know you have seen this picture before, but not all of the grandparents and great-grandparents and aunts and uncles are in the blog-o-sphere on a regular basis.

...more about Behr's first Christmas and our happenings coming soon!


  1. What I would give to have been on the receiving end of this card :)

  2. haha love it! i love cards that are funny. hope ya'll had a great holiday!

  3. oh my goodness!! This is the cutest/hilarious/cleverest card I have ever seen!! Love it!

  4. thanks friends! it was pretty fun to make and give out. the goodnews is, we really aren't all that sleep-less, and Behr doesn't make this face very often!

  5. bahahah! this is seriously bomb. i would totally send this out for reals. :)


  6. Oh holy cuteness!

    I bet your fam loved these - such a great idea :)


  7. oh my god.

    its amazing.

    and i love tiny prints :)
