Our Christmas in Pictures

Our Christmas bonanza* in pictures with just a few words of commentary at the end.
*save Christmas morning
that is extra special, so I am saving it for tomorrow.

family time, the girls just back from a surprise spa day

Christmas Eve at my parents with all of the little cousins

five kids under four

birthday buddy chloe
my cousin is only 4 days younger than Behr!

enthralled with ripping wrapping paper

Christmas morning church service, where we were married

Christmas Dinner with the Schreiber side

loving the box with cousin Sam, it is the simple things

sleepy behr

sweet moments with uncles and grandparents and great-grandparents

the day after christmas visiting more great-grandparents

our Chirstmas weekend was certainly a bonanza,
but we loved every second of time with family,
and every mile driven to get there!

joining elizabeth's christmas linkup:


  1. Very nice! Behr sure is handsome. Love the leopard top.

    Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas :)


  2. your baby is ADORABLE. also, you are beautiful.

    that's all.

  3. i love the hubby's coat. GAH!! so cute!!

  4. SO sweet! I loved looking at these.

  5. Hooray for Christmas and family time! Looks like a fantastic day!

  6. Love the pics! Your an awesome photographer
