Saturday Shoes: by Lauren

When I first saw this adorable picture, I immediately noticed the boots Lauren was wearing.  They have been on my mind ever since, eventually making it into the Saturday Shoes line up.  Lauren tells the story behind this great pair of boots:

"I'm not normally much of a shopper, and I generally avoid Black Friday shopping like the plague. But defying all odds, I ran out on Black Friday last year to help out my mom. It was the end of the day and the sale prices were about to come to an end when I spotted these boots. Only the display pair was left standing and miraculously they were in my size. We've been pretty much inseparable (save summer) ever since. A big thanks to Shannon for the feature!"

p.s. you can see how Lauren styled her boots here and more of her design eye on her blog, with two cats.

What are your go to shoes for the transition from fall to winter? 

Do you have a story of a great black friday shoe steal?  Or a pair of shoes you have been eyeing up? Send them in to be featured on Saturday Shoes by leaving a bit of comment love.  


  1. I love these boots! They are so cute, but so cozy too.

  2. Those are pure awesomeness. :)

    I'm dying for a pair of comfy boots like that...still trying to convince my uber frugal husband that I need them.

  3. Thanks for the feature Shannon!
