Behr's First Birthday

We started off Behr's first birthday with a visit to the doctors office for his one year check up. A few pokes and three shots later, we now have the official stats! He is 20 lbs. 10 oz. and 29.25 inches in length.

But the real fun began after dinner, when we presented Behr with his gift. He was a bit confused at first since his gift was covered in a blanket, not actually wrapped. (he has the tearing wrapping paper down pat!) Once we began to tug at the blanket, the excitement filled the room.

Behr unveiled his brand...


(in your best Bob Barker voice)

So the rest of the evening was spent like this:

  build animated gif

It was pretty awesome.

In case you are wondering, his fly ride is a schylling speedster which we purchased through zulily months ago for a great deal.

And because I cannot wait to tell you all about Behr's first birthday par-tay,
here is a sneak peek of the decorations.


  1. I love his expressive little face!

  2. I love that CAR! Behr looks like he LOVES it too! Hooray!

  3. Best present ever?! I think so! I'm so glad he had fun for his first birthday and party :)

  4. BAHAHAHA I love it! Absolutely love it!!! Happy beeeddayyy Behr!

  5. Cannot wait to give Parker's speedster to him in July. And can you believe you have a one year old? Did you cry? I'm sooo gonna cry.

  6. Love that first picture! Priceless.
    And the car? Coolest gift ever.

  7. umm can i get that car in my size? can you be my cool parent? haha.

    i am really excited to see pictures from his party. it already looks fabulous!!

  8. haha, how fun! I'm excited to see the grand debut of his party :)
