A Birthday Video + A Giveaway

oh, the joys of home videos

my brother is recording this

you can hear him singing or talking the entire time

when I asked if I should let Behr touch the candle, I was joking
one of my cousins grabbed the flame on their first birthday

Behr had no interest in the cake

we waited too long for cake

the party tuckered him out, he was sleepy

poor baby

This video is unedited, just like our life, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

I love that we can hear so many of our family members in the background of this home video. I love that my brother panned the room so we could see the folks who were there. I love that it is messy and jumpy and so classically my family. Mark and I watched this video a few times already. And we look forward to watching it hundreds more.

p.s. a few days later, Behr ate some of the cake and loved it!

and for that snazzy giveaway I mentioned,
you will have to jump over to Ava Grace's Closet to check that out!


  1. So cute! This has me thinking I will have Dyce eat his cake first thing! :)
    Love the blog.

  2. newest follower through avagracesclosetblog.. hope you follow us back.. xoxo

  3. What a sweet video. Behr feeding you is too cute!
