New Shoes: Nude Pumps

Folks, the shoe fast is over! I purchased my first pair of shoes this past week. For a few years, I have been on the search for the perfect pair of nude or beige pumps. While strolling through t.j. maxx this past week, I stumbled upon a pair of Franco Sarto pumps in the perfect shade of nude and my size. It seems the pair is no longer available, so here is a peek at a very similar pair.

my pair doesn't have a platform

The best part of my first shoe purchase? They were $39.99!


  1. This makes me happy! I love that this is your first pair of shoes post-shoe fast :)

  2. Those are adorable! Great choice to end your fast. They go with everything and are so classy.

  3. my favorite! nude pumps are the best.

  4. I'm jealous. I've been on the hunt for a pair of nude pumps. And by "on the hunt" I mean I've been wanting a pair for quite a while, but have yet to actually shop for them outright. None-the-less, I'm jealous. :)
