Onward and Upward

The phrase, onward and upward, was once shared with me by a mentor as I was considering a lateral job change. As I have spent time reflecting on the past year and looking forward to 2012, onward and upward has been a consistent theme.

Last January, I was certain that 2011 would quickly become the year of the baby. With a January 3rd due date and a January 12th delivery, how could it not? Well, the year brought more that we could have ever imagined, in the form of joy and laughter, tears, sorrow, loss, and most significantly transition after transition after transition. Thanks for bearing with me this past year. Rather than do a play by play of the entire year, I am going to focus on the joy. Stay tuned for a look at Behr's first year next week as we celebrate his birthday.  Holy cow! I cannot believe he is going to be one nest week! In the mean time, let's consider those goals if you will, for 2012.

read again. You might remember the crazy five books a month reading goal from 2010. I almost made it. In 2011, I am not quite sure I read five full books all year. This stack are a few of the yet to read books sitting on my top shelf begging for a snowy weekend. My list includes: two of Kate Jacobs books because I love her, My (not so) Storybook Life by the fabulous blogger Liz from Mabel's House, and baby food books Nourishing Traditions and the first book on my list, Hungry Monkey recommended by Whitney and Erin.

love. My family, with my words, when I am stressed. I want to focus more on love in 2012. psst. the pillow is from tuesday mourning on etsy.

drink more water. I used to be good at this. And then the no sleep thing started happening and now coffee has taken over my life. Seriously. The fabulous Molly and I even ran a stretch of tweets where we talked about nothing else but our coffee addiction. So I am going to drink more water. I promise I will.

casual and impromptu. We live in an incredible neighborhood of an even better city. I want to do my best to embrace it. And to raise Behr to love a good adventure, even if it is on a whim or ends up a bust.

how about you?
What are your goals? Let's here 'em!
And do you have any suggestions for me? 
What to read, how to love, or where to go?
(and the best coffee shops along the way.)

p.s. I am linking up with Elizabeth:


  1. read more books...that's a good one! i feel like technology (computers, phones, tvs, etc) are taking over our lives. i would love to take more time out of my day to sit and read a book for myself. and more books to my son.
    and kind and loving words even when i'm stressed. i need to work on that one too! :)
    happy new year!

  2. Post the picture of Behr still up at midnight with you on new years!!!

  3. Behr is going to be 1!? Holy cow.

    Very nice goals of yours. I too want to work on my words when I am stressed out. My poor husband gets the brunt of it much of the time.

    One of my bigger goals is to be kinder to myself - man, I can sure beat myself up.

    Happy 2012 to you!

  4. YEAH girl!!

    p.s. five books a month. I wish. You're incredible.

  5. These are great goals! Casual and impromptu is tricky with a young one, I wish you luck;-)
