All Lacrosse

Recently, Behr has been catching me off guard. I will steal a glance at him and he looks all grown. The baby in him is quickly slipping away. These pictures are melting my heart, and choking me up. Look at what a big boy he is! We spent six hours outside at lacrosse games Saturday afternoon. Behr enjoyed every second. He cheered for the teams, clapped when the crowds roared, soaked up the attention from all of our friends, including his buddy Sam, and wouldn't part with the lacrosse stick. Mark and I had nearly as much fun catching up with former coaches, teammates, and players and their families. If only we could spend every weekend at lacrosse games with these people we love so much!

I am linking up with Small Style on Mama Loves Papa

Behr is wearing:
Jacket - Patagonia, gift
Rugby Shirt - Janie and Jack
Khakis - Old Navy
Mittens - The Typographer's Wife, my lovely sponsor
Sneakers - New Balance, gift


  1. Starting him early in rugby stripes and in lacrosse. I like it. ;)
    You look lovely in that last pic!

  2. I love the rugby stripes. What a little cutie!

  3. Oh goodness! That teeny, tiny, little Patagonia down sweater is adorable!

  4. Aww so cute. I have to agree, he really is starting to look like a little boy. He got big so fast - but there are so many fun things ahead, that's for sure :)

  5. Oh my goodness that first picture. His little face is saying, "Mom, what are you doing? Don't take a picture of me!" I die. He's just the cutest thing and getting big SO fast. Sigh. Cherish these days!

  6. why do you have to have such a cute son! your an amazing mother!

  7. awe! Love these! so fun visiting with you.

  8. That fourth photo down is just so precious! What a handsome little guy!!

  9. he is cracking me up with that face in the first pic! too cute!
    what's up with this crazy summer to spring to winter weather we're having, huh?

  10. What a precious little guy. You are right...they turn from babies to little boys waaaay to fast. Cherish every second, Mama! :)

    I'm new to your blog and loving it already! Can't wait to read more! xx
