Flights + Food

Last year, after a few plane trips with an infant in tow, I felt like an expert. This past weekend launched us into flight count double digits and also a new phase of travel, flying-with-a-toddler-that-wants-to-feed-themselves-solid-foods-and-trying-not-to-make-a-mess. While I cannot make any promises on the mess front, I can share with you a few of my new favorite airport food stops. This past weekend we flew at dinner time on both ends of our flight - a great test run for out cross-country flights next month. I quickly learned a few things. Once we get through security, I now make a bee-line for the following eateries to stock up for the flight:

Starbucks - if you have a Starbucks post-security, get excited. These are also a great kid-friendly stop when you are on the road. Our two top picks are peeled dried apple rings and Horizon organic, shelf-stable milk. This is a must have when flying.

Sandwich Shop - typically you can find a fruit cup. This is a big win for my little family. I also hunt for veggie cups, and anywhere that sells soup and is typically willing to fork over a few packs of saltines. I also try to buy at least two water bottles for all of us to stay hydrated on the flight.

Third choice are the souvenir shops - chex mix, gold fish, water bottles, these are a great stop for pre-packaged goods if the fresher options aren't available.

Finally, I learned that bringing an extra small tupperware and or ziplock bag is extremely helpful to make these over priced purchases last, without spilling all over my carryon.

How about the other traveling mommas out there? I would love to know what you do for meals on the road. I am linking up with MiniMeals on with two cats. Join us!


  1. You were/are an expert!

    Remember how I milked you for advice when we were coming to Boston?

    I feel like we're going to be in a new phase when we fly to Iowa next month--post boobies on a plane but pre-snack foods.

    Let's hope he doesn't smear green bean puree on our seat buddies (bless them, whoever they are).

  2. My sister is a fan of the squeeze pouch baby drinks. The kids can do it themselves with little mess. Win/win!

  3. Love this! We are traveling to boston next week from CA with our four month old! Any tips?????? Lord help us... :)
