Instagram / Copygram / Link Ups

I participated in the instagram #febphotoaday challenge. After a month of taking pictures, here are my thoughts:

I like to be part of things. To join, participate, and share. But I also like things to be complete, so jumping in January 6th was already too late. I needed to wait for February. So I completed the full month.

Reviewing my instagram photos, I generally prefer the photos that I took and uploaded unprompted to the instagram challenge photos. While it was fun to have a topic to get creative with each day, these photos don't really tell the story of our family. They are a bit random.

It was fun, and I might do it again at some other month in the future. But for now, I am finished with this challenge. I got my fill.

Jess wrote an awesome review of copygram. It was super helpful and now I am hooked.

You may notice the insane amount of linkups I have been participating in (see my first thought). I like the schedule this gives my blog and the community that builds through link ups. But I also like the freedom of flexibility in my posts. All that to say, I won't always be linking up so much, but when I do, it will be with blogs I love. Without further I am joining Story of my Life & a {little} dash of ash!

1 comment:

  1. i TOTALLY agree! i love playing along but it doesn't really tell our story, so i'm doing both the #photoaday and an #instagram366 pic a day, which that is of my choosing. it's hard some days...but i'm trying to keep to it!

    would love to follow ya on IG, i'm @anightowlblog.

