News + A Giveaway | CLOSED

We couldn't resist sharing the news. Behr is using the big boy potty these days. We have no idea how potty training started in our house. It caught me completely off guard, but we are running with it! And to celebrate, we are offering a special deal on sponsor spots...right now!

If you want to get in on the "potty time!" sponsorship action, email me shannon.angelos{at} with a bathroom worthy subject line. In addition to your paid sponsorship spot, I will post your ad right now and give you an extra month on the back end. Let's just say I am a little over excited about saving money on diapers!!

Let me break it down for you:

you email me with a funny potty subject line and ask to be a sponsor.
please include your paypal email address for invoicing and your 200x80 ad

let me know which option you would like: one month (April) or three months (April-June) or alternative option, because hey, it never hurts to ask!

your sponsorship ad will go live within 24 hours of receipt of payment in the month of March

plus, when your paid ad slot runs out, you will get an extra bonus month!

wait, there is more!

a giveaway:

win a free ad spot for April

all you have to do is leave a comment
for a second chance to win, tweet about the giveaway and leave a second comment

Offer and giveaway both end Monday, March 26

winner announced:

Congratulations to Brhea of No Place Lyke Home for winning the April ad spot!


  1. What the what? This is awesome! GO BEHR!!! And I'd love to win an advertising spot here on The Scribble Pad :)

  2. Yay Behr! I'd love a chance to win a sponsor spot :)

  3. I love this picture of Behr! he definitely looks like he's up to no good...which is probably pretty appropriate if he's sitting on the toilet. :)

  4. I don't know exactly how old Behr is, but he definitely looks a lot younger than my Avery (she's 2 1/2)- congrats on the potty! We're still struggling with that here- count yourself lucky if he's already doing it!!

    And you asked about the reversible dress- there's a link in my post, but if you missed it, here it is as well!
