Orchids and Ponds

The US Botanial Garden is one of our favorite places in DC. Almost anyone who has visited us, knows this well. We love the Botanical Garden. In the winter time it is a warm retreat. In the spring and summer we enjoy their outdoor landscape. Currently the US Botanical Garden is hosting Orchid Mystique through the end April. The warm weather this past weekend got us out of the house and down to the exhibit. The range of orchids was incredible, as is the line up of classes. I wish I could take time to attend and better learn how to care for my own orchids at home. As I had fun wandering through the plant life and taking pictures, Mark was on "keep Behr dry" duty. In the center of the display was a pond, similar to the reflecting pool. As soon as Behr laid eyes on it, he was on a mission to take the plunge. As you can see from the pictures, he is fascinated by water.

Today I am linking up to Small Style.
Behr is wearing:
Striped Hoodie :: gifted
Green Polo Shirt :: Arizona Jean Comany, consigned
Jeans :: Genuine Kids, hand me down
Shoes :: Roobez, consigned


  1. He's adorable. I love the shot of your hubby doing his best to hold him back. Kids and water!

  2. so many pretty flowers. since i got married in jamaica, those were my wedding flowers.

    also behr's striped hoodie is adorable. i wish they made one in my size.

    i tagged you for a blog award. check out the post: http://lachapstickfanatique.blogspot.com/2012/03/blog-award.html

  3. Pretty!! I love Behr's hoodie.

  4. his little smiley face is always so adorable. Love him in the stripes.

  5. i adore stripes! what a cutie pie!

  6. I love all the orchid pics, they're so gorgeous!

    And your kiddo is so incredibly cute

    Mal @ The Chic Geek

  7. He's a doll face and the orchids are so pretty - wow! I like the striped hoodie he's wearing a lot!
