Saturday Shoes: Red Toms, for real!

You may have noticed here, that I fianlly got my toms! After much debate during my 2011 shoe fast, I bit the bullet and got them. I carefully reviewed the host of comments received and decided to go with the classic red canvas.

I love them.
And couldn't be happier with the purchase!
Hooray for shoes.

In case you don't follow me on instagram (@thescribblepad),
here are me and my red toms with an adorable pair of stocking feet to match:


  1. Love your red toms. I have been wanting toms for a while too, just haven't done it yet myself. So many options it's hard to decide! If you want to, come link up at Fave by Friday ( Have a great Saturday! ~Jessica

  2. They look great darling! Love the color. Totally a great purchase :)

  3. i LOVED my toms. had burlap ones. of course, i had to throw them away at the end of the summer, because they were so nasty. But i will definitely be getting another pair. they look REAL cute on you!!

  4. I thought I had commented on this, but it must have been in my head. I LOVE your red TOMS. I want them very much. So sassy!
