So fresh and so clean!

Today, I am linking up with {av} from Long Distance Loving for Friday's Fancies. However, I must confess. As much as I love to follow sports, since having a kid, this is an area of my life that has fallen by the wayside. For the first time since I can remember, not only did I not fill out a bracket, but I don't even have a clue what's going on in March Madness. I miss the thrill of watching games all day and rooting for the underdogs. My sports watching days have been trimmed to football and lacrosse. I have to warn you, I am a diehard Philadelphia Eagles Fan. Seriously. I scream at the television and truly consider myself part of the team. When refering to how the Eagles are doing, I frequently say "we." Behr carries around a Eagles football already, making a momma proud!

So, if Alison, my team, and my Dad will forgive me, I am taking a bit of liberty with cheering for my favorite team today...and even putting a twist on traditional Eagles green. {basically my excuse to share my minty love!} But hey, it's my birthday and mint chocolate chip is my absolute favorite flavor for ice cream and cupcakes! So mint it is.

p.s. all of these items would make fabulous birthday presents. hint, hint.


  1. It's your bday and you can do what you like!! :-) Love the mint green!!! We are #54 in the list and had so much fun with this post. Hope you stop by our blog and check it out!

    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

  2. I am so in love with this color right now! Any chance I can get that dress by tomorrow? I have a wedding to go to and it's exactly what I was looking for! <3 You have great taste, sister!

  3. ohhhh le sign. i love mint green. and you picked some adorable pieces!!!

  4. Happy birthday! Have a great weekend.

  5. Happy Birthday!!!!
    Nice choices.

  6. happy birthday! those cupcakes look amazing.

  7. oh my gosh, i want that necklace - SO PERFECT! glad i found your blog- it's lovely. happy birthday lady!

  8. Happy happy birthday lady (and sorry I didn't write that in the e-mail I just wrote)!!! And girl, mint green is my favorite. Good choice :)

  9. beautiful mint green picks, I especially love the necklace...and I am starting to get hungry looking at that cupcake!! I hope you had a good week and are enjoying your weekend!
    Twirling Clare

  10. i love all the mint that's been in season this year - these are great picks.

  11. It got COLD here and all I can think about is wearing something like this! That skirt is to DIE for!

    Hope your weekend was fabulous!
