What a difference a year makes!

This time last year:

I was starting to think about my transition back to full time work.

It was finally warm enough on the weekend to take our first family walk.

Soon followed by Behr's first field trip. We haven't gone on as many field trips around DC as we had originally hoped, but this Spring promises a renewed opportunity to get out to the museums and monuments.

And at 8 weeks, I referred to him as begining to "chunk up." Looking back now, this is hardly chunking up.

We were going through crazy colic. Behr would scream for hours and we would literally walk the stairwell of our apartment building with him until our legs burned.

So much has changed since then! Of course, there have been the obvious baby milestones. Eating solid food, sleeping through the night, cutting teeth, crawling, walking, and now we are on the verge of running! We have also rearrange our entire apartment to allow more play space for Behr. He has been on 8 planes, visited 12 states, and eaten sushi. Behr is finally able to mosey around the park and enjoy the slide, which makes him seem like such a big boy. We have been on many adventures already, but most of the time, we just snuggle at home. We laugh more than I could ever imagine. Some nights, when Behr falls asleep in my arms, it feels like he is still 8 weeks old and totally dependent on me. And then he wakes up in the morning throwing a temper tantrum in an effort to exhibit his independence. Parenthood is a constant tug of war, between wanting your child to never grow up and enjoying the new milestones, between craving sleep and then missing your baby when he's sleeping, between wanting to hold onto the past and looking forward to the future with excitement.

p.s. I have had so much fun looking back at posts from other bloggers, that I couldn't help but revisit our life from a year ago. I would love to hear how your life has changed in the past year, or see your own "looking back" post!


  1. can't believe how tiny he was! he really looks like a mini version of himself now.

  2. My, how he has grown! He's still terribly handsome and I still want to pinch his cheeks :)

    P.S. Definitely originally wrote punch instead of pinch. I do NOT want to punch him haha!

  3. oh my, this is all so well said. my heart aches when i think about mason's newborn days and how fast he is growing. but then i get so excited thinking about the places he will go and the things he will do in the future.

    time goes by too fast sometimes. :)

    behr looks so cute!! what pretty eyes he has!

  4. Super sweet post! I have a 6 month old (and a 2 1/2 year old) and this is just another reminder that it all goes too quickly and even when things seem really tough, it's a passing phase that I'll look back on as another notch on the mommy belt. What an amazing journey we're all on! Thanks for sharing yours - he's a little cutie!

    Oh! I'm in the Bay Area very close to San Francisco! If you want any ideas for when you're here, let me know!

  5. Awwww I love these posts too!!! He was so tiny. It's crazy how quickly they grow up. What a cutie pie.
    I did a year in reverse post when Ava was 17 mths. Here it is :: http://www.avagracescloset.blogspot.com/2011/08/year-in-reverse.html

  6. Oh my goodness the picture of you and tiny Behr! He looks exactly like himself these days. He was always in there!
