On the Hunt

easter egg hunt
We spent a beautiful Easter weekend with my in-laws on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. We biked, and golfed, and read books, crafted Behr his own mini lacrosse stick cut down from his Uncle Ben's old one, took too many pictures, washed cars, ate good food and enjoyed some front porch rocking, complete with a chair just Behr's size. Can't wait to share more pictures with you tomorrow!


  1. Oh my goodness. Behr's little outfit is ADORABLE. I love his basket and his sandals :)

  2. I love you little one because it's images are so cute

    Baby Diaper

    Baby Diapers

  3. what a sweet pea!! glad you guys had so much fun!

  4. Look at that cute little bub! Loving those saltwaters! Looks like my lil' guy might need some!

    Along Abbey Road
