San Francisco Bay Area | Napa & St. Helena

Vineyards are not very baby friendly.

They are especially unfriendly when you are already sleep deprived and under the weather. After the perfect storm of tears, runny noses, and a lost sneaker in Napa, we abandoned our hopes of touring the vineyards and headed North. Upon recommendation of our friend Kelsey, we drove to St. Helena, the town that saved our vacation. A few steps down the sidewalk and I was already swooning. The shops there are wonderfully currated. So much so, I joked that their buyers must have been expecting me.  Here are the items that would have made it home in my suitcase if there was room:

You see? 

St. Helena had me at hello. 

Highlights: Napa Valley Vintage Home, Acres Home and Garden, Muse, St. Helena Olive Oil Company (which deserves its own post...) and Gotts, which we didn't get to stop at, but hope to visit next time.


  1. the animal kisses notecards are too cute! love them. so sorry you guys couldn't tour a vineyard - i'm hope you still got to enjoy some wonderful wine somewhere along the way though!

  2. I have LOVED seeing all your pictures - n. cali is now very high on my 'must visit' list (going there as a 3 year old does not count). vineyards may not be baby friendly, but they definitely can be kid friendly - I remember being given many a juice box at a vineyard when I was a kid. i expect to see a repeat visit when behr is about seven :)

  3. That watering can is amazing. It makes me want to get plants just so I can water them with my fancy watering can. That's not weird, is it?

  4. I was hoping you were going to tell us how to take a toddler to a vineyard without getting some side-eye. We haven't gone wine tasting since before we were married and I have a craving for it. I'm glad you had a wonderful time despite the sickness. If you ever want to see the more mountainous areas of California, give me a call;-) I love it when I walk into a store and they are playing music that I recognize and are selling things that I cannot keep my hands off of, it makes me feel at home.
