Small Style Ikea

Last weekend we ventured to Ikea. My second time in a month after a 20+ year draught! Behr clearly did not understand the excitement...but he woke up soon enough. And oh, boy, did he have fun! From the junior poang and the ps lomsk, to the expedit "playground," Behr was in heaven. And he was such a good sport, we sort of just let him roam. He led us straight to the food, and insisted on lunch. About two hours and a quick purchase later, we are now the proud owners of our first expedit. We have joined the ranks of urban dwellers. I once would have shuddered to think... But as I sit and type this, I am pleased by the toy organization across the room. To Ikea, I am grateful. Perhaps, just this one time.

I am linking up to Small Style:

Behr is wearing:
plaid shirt - janie and jack (also seen here)
vest - koala baby, a gift (also seen here)
pants - baby gap, hand me downs
sneakers - new balance, a gift (also seen here)

p.s. do you see that hair starting to curl? his hair is getting curly. especially when he sleep sweats.


  1. Oh his faces are way too cute!! I love them!

  2. Love this face in the second pic!

  3. that place!!! We have that rocker Behr is sitting in!! LOVE IT!
    And I'm loving that wooly vest Behr is wearing!! I might have to find one of those for next fall!!!

  4. The second photo cracked me up! I love love love ikea!

  5. Hahaha, I saw the first picture and went IKEA!!!! When you live overseas, and furniture is super expensive or just plain ugly, Ikea is like the best thing ever. Plus cheap storage options, inexpensive foreign food. AND, an Ikea is opening in my city next week! Holy moly. We got pre-opening tickets and everything (though can't actually use them because we'll be out of town. Sigh)

  6. Well, he obviously had a terrible time. Lol.
    These are too cute!!!

  7. Really beautiful and fantastic post, I love such kind of posts

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