Memorial Day Thoughts

Several weeks ago, friends visited us in DC and we enjoyed one of our favorite walks in the city, the Capitol at night. The photos are always stunning, but nothing compares to the real thing.

As I reflect on Memorial Day weekend, I am reminded of the words inscribed above the Supreme Court, "Justice The Guardian of Liberty," and the incredible sacrifices made every day. Sacrifices made  so I can freely walk these streets and gaze up at these buildings, and so much more. I cannot fathom the liberties that you and I share and take for granted every day. The least that we can do is say thank you to those who serve today, and the families of those who came before us.

I look forward to years of sharing our family's heritage of service with Behr, of visiting Arlington with him, and showing Behr the legacy of his grandparents. For now, we will simply remember them in our prayers.

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