San Francisco Bay Area | The City

The Golden Gate Bridge was a must see on our list, especially after our first trip to the bay area, when we excitedly drove over the bay bridge and realized like true out-of towners, that we had mixed them up! Classic. With a beautiful clear day, we knew we didn't want to miss the opportunity, so we swung by the bridge on our way south into the city from Muir Woods, and checked out the Marin Headlands too!  The coolest part of the experience is captures in the photo above, using the pedestrian walk way to go under the bridge. It was surreal, loud, exciting, and even maybe a bit frightening. I highly recommend taking the path to view both sides of the bridge.
When planning a trip to a new city, why not coordinate your trip with your favorite sports team? As we headed to AT&T Park for a baseball game, I was thoroughly impressed with the number of Phillies fans on the West Coast. We had a good showing, despite losing in the 11th inning...but no need to talk about that. Mark wore the wrong hat, completely disregarding the abundance of Philadelphia sports apparel in our home. But it was a great evening, joined with cousins and friends, cheered for the AWAY team! Go Philly!

And now for the rundown of the top tourist sights of San Francisco:

Highlights: Lombard Street (is it really the crookedest street? it is certainly the most visited) // taking a photo on a parked cable car, instead of paying for a ride // Ghiradelli for a free chocolate sample and an ice cream sundae if you are in the mood // seeing the Golden Gate Bridge completed covered by fog // hanging out down by the bay...where the watermelon grow...(not really, but we couldn't stop singing the song) // Chinatown // Fisherman's Wharf // Boudin Sourdough, pure heaven in the form of bread // Peir 39, only to see the Harbor Seals, that place is like the Ocean City boardwalk on crack! // watching Muni trains // bikes everywhere // historic architecture of the financial district. All in one day, no less.

And of course, throughout our trip, we had snapshots of quality time with friends. I went to college with Ashley and Amanda (and Ashley's husband too!) and was thrilled to reconnect with them. It was like we still lived together. I miss those girls...they are joining the campaign to get us to move West...we shall see.

Believe it or not, there is still more to share! Coming soon: 
The Ferry Building (it deserves a post of it's own) where I had a date with the fabulous Whitney.
Our last day in San Francisco, spent with Amanda in the Mission, and at Dolores and Golden Gate parks


  1. I'll go with you. Wanna go tomorrow? We can stay for a longggg weekend, and I'll celebrate Mother's Day with you and then we can celebrate my birthday. Sound good? Good.

  2. Amanda, Ashley, and Shannon (and of course Behr) all in one picture???? LOOOOVVVVEEEE!!!!!

  3. Seriously Courtney! The picture could only get better if you were there.

  4. So many gorgeous pictures! I am so glad we got to meet up!
