San Francisco Bay Area | Our Last Day

We spent our last day in San Francisco soaking up everything the city had to offer. We went to a park with swings (!) overlooking the painted ladies, headed to the Mission for lunch with Amanda at Pizzeria Delfina, and while we waited for a table, we explored this incredible neighborhood for which Amanda is so passionate! The wall murals were breathtaking. Everywhere I looked, my senses were in overdrive, from delicious food to all. of. those. bright. colors! This area of the city is truly beautiful, its no wonder Amanda loves it so much. After a fantastic lunch at Delfina (thanks to Erin for the recommendation) we kicked it around at Dolores Park, which boasts the greatest kid playground I have ever seen. Reason alone to move to San Francisco! A quick tour up Twin Peaks, and then we headed to our final destination of our trip, Golden Gate Park. It was once we settled down near this fountain that I realized how much of the city we had yet to see. Until next time, San Francisco!

Behr so enjoyed the fountain that I couldn't help taking about 300 pictures. But they work out perfectly for my favorite part of Thursdays...small style! You know I'm linking up.

Behr is wearing:
Shirt - GapKids - the best part about this shirt is it nearly matches perfectly to one of Mark's favorite shirts (did you notice?) even though Mark's is from J.Crew several years ago. Love it when that happens!
Jeans - KoalaKids, hand me downs, rolled up
Hat - GapKids
Shoes - Baby Saltwaters  and yes they are all over the internet, and some of you have gone on rants about being sick of them, but I wore them as a kid and loved them, plus they are nearly indestructible. They are a bandwagon worth jumping on!


  1. Oh man, sounds like a wonderful trip. San Fran is like totally on my must visit list. It sounds beautiful and I am just dying to explore the food scene there. Looks like you and your boys are having such fun!

    1. Yes! It must be on your list. And when you figure out when you are going some day, be sure to let me know!

  2. I am not sure if I have ever commented before but I have been reading for quite sometime. Today I just wanted to tell you that Behr is SO stinkin cute I can't get over it! Love the fountain pictures in today's post and that little shirt and hat he had on...adorable. You have one sweet adorable little boy on your hands!!

    1. Welcome! And thanks for the comment love. The fountain ended up being such a fun place to experiment with my new canon rebel, it was a birthday gift just before our trip!

  3. What a beautiful day you caputred. I love it (and San Fran!)

  4. Such great pics and no, I didn't notice at all that Behr and daddy had almost identical matching shirts. :o
    Too sweet! I love San Francisco.

  5. super fun pics. i love san fran!! love it how he is sporting salt waters. we are big fans.

    1. We love Saltwaters! And you helped encourage me to get them, so thank you.

  6. I am a saltie fan too. I think they are fabulous. Love these pics Behr is so cute and all that sunshine is just glorious.

  7. I want to go to there, and I want to pinch Behr's cheeks. Sigh.

  8. Those fountain pictures are priceless, and of course, Full House! And I also love the matchy/matchy shirts going on. As always, AMAZING photos.

  9. matching boys?! nuh uh! cute. and these are some of my favorite behr pics to date.
