Sliced Brussels Sprout Salad

It is no secret that I love my brussels sprouts. As much as I love them straight up roasted, a la Ina, I could not resist the chance to share another recipe with you. My friend Leah hosted a Kentucky Derby party and served pulled pork sandwiches along with this salad. Two simple dishes, but it was fantastically delicious. I tracked down the recipe, so simple its stupid, and have made it twice since!

raw brussels sprouts, slice thinly with a sharp knife
walnuts, toast lightly, crush
toss together
top with freshly grated parmesan
extra virgin olive oil
freshly squeezed lemon juice to taste
toss again
add crushed pepper, if desired

And there you have it!

The joy of this recipe is you don't need exact measurements, so I omitted them. 
If you prefer the precise details, hop on over to epicurious.


  1. I actually think I could sneak this past Mike's no-healthy-food radar.

    I love a good salad. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Yum, this would be a perfect salad to bring to work as well.

  3. K. I have a secret.
    I haven't tasted a brussel sprout since I was maybe, 5 or so.
    I may need to give this a go!
