Uncle Ben Comes to the Park

could their matching facial expressions be any cuter?

he spotted us!

Behr and his Uncle Ben have a special bond. They are serious buds and while they are likely already plotting ways to torment me in the future, I wouldn't change their relationship for the world. Behr lights up when Uncle Ben visits. So a few weeks ago, when Ben joined us for a Sunday afternoon in the park, Mark and I happily let them play while we sat on a distant bench and chatted. As you can see they have a blast.

Uncle Ben joined us again this past weekend for his birthday dinner, burgers, beer, and milk shakes at good stuff. As always Behr had a blast as evidenced in my instagram pictures. Happy Birthday Uncle Ben.

As always, my favorite part of Thursdays is joining Small Style.

Behr is wearing: Old Navy Polo Shirt // Genuine Kids Jeans // New Balance Sneakers


  1. First of all, it looks like Behr is having the BEST TIME EVER and I love that. Second, his popped collar is killing me!

    1. seriously right? I love the popped collar, but this was a total accident.

  2. Looks like such a fun day! Behr has such a sweet smile! Stopping by from Small Style. Have a great day!

  3. Aunts and Uncles are the absolute best! And Behr wears blue like nobody's business.

  4. Such sweet photos! He's getting so big. Why does that have to happen??

    1. Susan, you know this topic is off limits. They are never growing up!

  5. Aw, I love park photos & yours are so cute! So sweet that Behr & his uncle have such a tight bond already.

  6. Oh so sweet! Man, he's lucky to have an uncle whom he loves so! And yes, that picture with matching facial expressions, totally priceless. Adorable.

  7. love that popped collar! how fun!
