Fresh from the CSA

Tomorrow is the start of my seasonal CSA. I can hardly wait to see my friends who run the farm, introduce a CSA newbie to the experience, and dive back into the routine of eating local and seasonally. I recently posted my top ten reasons to eat farm fresh. I am beyond excited for the pickup tomorrow. It is yet another indicator that summer is aorund the corner. To me, summer means windows open, shorts, and piles of produce on the kitchen counter. How about you? What makes it really feel like summer in your house?

And some link love: 
Two blogs I read over the weekend that might help you start your summer off right: 



  1. Yay for CSAs!!! I wish we had one closer to me here. I guess it means it's time for me to move to dc ;)

  2. Your post inspired me to FINALLY check out the Monday Farmers' Market that is in the courtyard outside my building. Peaches for $1 a pound and organic blueberries are now gracing my workspace!

    Summer for us means BBQs, eating outside and staying up late because it is light outside.

  3. Delish! Nature has it right, as do you.

  4. I've been thinking about this idea for a while! Which CSA do you use?
