Museum Exhibit: Suprasensorial

A few weeks ago, my sister came to town for a quick visit. It just happened to be the last weekend of a museum exhibit I had been eager to see. Reviews boasted the suprasensorial was great for kids so I was sold. We convinced Julia it would be worth it. After walking around the museum, realizing that modern art is still not entirely our thing, Behr woke up in time to experience one of the only displays actually suitable for children, a tacktile "room" of hanging blue rubber ribbons to walk through. As you can see, Behr was not quite sure that modern art is his thing either.

While I am thrilled that we made it before the exhibit closed, I don't think it was suitable for children. Julia swore off museums for the rest of her visits in the forseeable future. Ironically, the exhibit was extended, so we didn't have to drag her there after all!

Linking up to small style.

Behr is wearing:
Polo - Gap
Shorts - Gap
Sandals - Saltwaters


  1. It looks so cool! And I love Behr's face :)

  2. we have that same polo in red and grey!
    i have yet to take cb to art museum...i'm so afraid. we've been to the natural history and american history as well as the air and space, but i'm afraid to take that wild boy into an art museum!

  3. I am loving the saltwaters on him! Are they just the Hoy ones in navy? I think Jake needs some!

    Stopping by from Small Style too!


  4. Julia's shirt is fantastic and I want to steal it. I also want to steal Behr, but that just sounds creepy, so pretend that I didn't type that...
