A crack in the dam.

Through motherhood,
a marked change in me
has revealed new beauty
in God's creation.

The Olympic games are about to begin. Commercials, highlights, and top moments have been streaming across the television in preparation for London 2012. I live for the Olympics.

I was the little girl who memorized Kerry Strug's floor routine. I showed up early for swim practice to squeeze in extra laps. I stayed late after diving practice for a few more tips from my coach. I met Olympic athletes like Mary Ellen Clark and hung their signatures on my door to inspire me towards greatness. I read books about champions, motivational pieces about hard work, discipline, and training. Some of my former teammates and opponents have gone on to Olympic games, one even competing again this summer.

I was a kid with a dream, but not enough talent. Yet, none of that has tarnished the Olympics for me. I love them. But things have changed.

Where I once would observe and analyze, rattling off statistics and related cases, I now swell with tears of joy. My throat tightens and my face turns splotchy. There is now a crack in the dam that was my hardened shell of emotionless articulation.

Motherhood has changed me.

The Holy Spirit has done a work in me during the process of motherhood. My heart has been opened to see the Glory of God in ways I never would have noticed. From an infants first coo, to the overwhelming joy of outstretched arms. In motherhood, I have realized the preciousness of the children of God. Children who are intricately fragile and robust, simple and complex. Each one of those Olymplic athletes was once a child with hope and dreams, whose parents clapped when they took first steps, never imagining the finishlines they would some day cross.

And you know, the beauty of it all brings me to tears. I am completely undone by God's creation. Remarkable accomplishments like those of Olympic athletes are the Glory of God on display for all of humanity. And that is something to celebrate.

So let the Games begin!
(and pass the tissues, please)


  1. OK, I glad I am not the only one! I also live for the Olympics, although never as a former athlete. But we were watching the diving national trials these past few days, and then they make that final dive and the announcers shout "She's going to London!" I can't help it, tears! And then when they show the parents, MORE tears.

    1. It is all so much more real to me having my own child. I see the begining so intimately, and can't imagine the hundreds of thousands of incremental changes that take place between the stage where Behr is...to where those athletes are. It just overwhelms me!

  2. I never knew that about you! I'm so glad to learn more about you through posts like this :) And who knows? Maybe one day Behr will be up there, and we'll be remembering when he was just a little beeb falling asleep at lunch ;)
