Beach Weekend 2012

Six adults, five kids under six. We couldn't have had more fun.

The four kids on the left in this photo are all cousins, Behr was just happy to tag along.
Trucks and sandcastles and boogie boards ruled our weekend.

Behr views sand as his nemisis, reaclimating himself every few steps towards the water as the texture changed. It was not a positive first impression. All joyful memories from last year, washed away.

After much coaxing and cajoling, Behr finally was comfortable to walk around on the beach, but he did not swim, splash, or throw sand. Let's hope the effort lasts for five weeks, when we return to the ocean. Perhaps Behr will acclimate better the second time around?



  1. oh my! i struggle enough taking care of 1 baby... a weekend with that many would be crazy!! but i'm sure the kids had a lot of fun! :)

  2. So many great shots here, Shannon. I especially love the second one down on the left - those eyes, my gosh!

    Sorry for being MIA lately :) I've just been playing catch-up and reading through a bunch of your posts! xo

  3. all those babies!! what beach is this?
