celebrating summer

We didn't create a summer bucket list, but if we had, this day would have certainly been included. An afternoon at the yards park, uncrowded, all three of us, complete with a picnic. Mark and I both anticipated getting out of work early Tuesday, July 3rd, per usual in Washington, DC. So we made plans. We banked on our work schedules cooperating, and they did. Our bags were packed. After Behr's naptime at daycare, I swooped him up and biked to the waterfront. We set up our blanket in the shade, ate cheese and crackers and blueberries. But mostly we ran through the water fountain and laughed at each other. You've seen similar scenes from us before, here and here. But this is hands down the most fun all three of us have had together, uninhibited by schedules, nap times, out of town guests, or coordinating with friends. It was just us. And it was perfect. This is how we celebrate summer.


  1. OMG dying over that middle picture of Behr - too cute!

  2. This just looks like the best day-- THE BEST!

    I actually have shivers over here. Your photos are so happy and Behr looks like he's having the time of his life. I can't wait until I can do this someday with my kid(s). It just looks like such a blast. Such a sweet day. :)

  3. This is such an amazing post! The joy on Behr's face is so contagious, it just makes me smile :)

  4. Perfect day! That picture of him with his mouth wide open is just amazing.

  5. Loving the pic of you and him!!!

  6. oh my gosh, he's in heaven. so cute.
