My sorta healthy snack faves.

Let's just be honest here for a second. There is no way I can survive on carrot sticks and rice cakes alone. Maybe that is why the baby weight is still around...but I do try to make wise-ish choices for both me and Behr. Mark on the other hand makes his own snacking decisions...

I try to pack a healthy lunch, homemade oatmeal for breakfast most mornings. But sometimes, my backups run dry and I need to venture to the snackbar at my office. The scary place filled with hot dogs and cotton candy (yes, seriously) and more bags of chips than you could ever imagine...But thanks to some consious co-workers, there are also a few more positive options. This is what I tend to reach for (clockwise from the top left):

Ginny Bakes Coconut Oatmeal Bliss - with only a handfull of ingredients, all of which I can pronounce and identify in my very own pantry. If I am going to scarf on least a two pack of these has me restricted...more so than the entire sleeve of oreos they sell for $2.

Late July Sandwich Cookies - when you put flavors like vanilla bean and green tea together, you have me swooning, add a family run business with two adorable boys serving as the R&D team and I am sold. Not to mention they are absolutely delicious. These are my new favorites.

Annie's Fruit Snacks - while my work snackbar does not sell these, I buy them in bulk to keep on hand for particularly cranky commutes home with Behr. He loves them. The packaging is small, so he only gets a few. And on a very rare occasion, I have been known to eat them myself during a particularly harried day.

Justin's Peanut Butter Cups - I am OBSESSED. These are a rare treat. But they are so good, that I have been able to dicepline myself away from all other chocolate to reserve it for these. I get Dark Chocolate of course...

Umpqua Oats - when I can't eat/make breakfast at home, this has replaced the egg and cheese sandwhich in my life. Marked improvement.

Veggie Booty - again, not sold at my work snackbar...but esential for family survival. Veggie booty joins us nearly every time we travel as a treat when kid-friendly snacking can be difficult.

So there you have it, a few confessions about my eating habits, my lingering baby weight, and a roundup of my favorite "healthy" snacks. What are your go-to snacks?


  1. When I'm craving something sweet, one of my favorites is Coconut Bliss ice cream. It's dairy free, soy free and the dark chocolate flavor one always hits the spot. I've heard their other flavors are good too!

  2. i am going to have to try those oatmeal cookies - they look delicious!

  3. Thank you so much for posting this! I've been looking for some new all-natural snacks for work and these are perfect!
