Nine to Five: Anna from Dear Friend

Welcome to Nine to Five, a Monday morning blog series to inspire your wardrobe and provide a punch of energy to your work week. Today I am so excited to have Anna from Dear Friend. Anna is one of the many bloggers I have met through other bloggers, but if we lived in the same city, I am sure we would be besties. It is so fun to follow her adventures in Boston and remember my own time spent there. It is a joy to share a bit about her with you all today. Ooh, don't forget to check out her fab style with Alex!

 :: Describe your work environment from a style perspective (i.e. traditional business professional, stuffy corporate, laid back artsy, kid friendly, etc.) ::
I teach first grade, so my style at work is pretty laid back. I’m on my feet all day and am kneeling and sitting on the floor a lot with my students, so wearing something comfortable and easy to move around in is essential. Also, shoes! I always wear flats. No question. It’s a personal preference, but also necessary for all the walking around I do. I love wearing dresses and I have a lot of them, so that’s usually what you’ll find me in most days in the spring and fall. Winter is a different story (especially in New England!) and so I usually stick to pants and sweaters. I like to add fun flats and necklaces to keep things interesting, especially if my outfit is more on the casual side (which usually, it is).

 :: What are your nine to five staples? (go to brands, or key items) ::
My favorite places to shop for work clothes are J.crew, Land’s End Canvas, and Target. I also find great stuff at The LOFT.

And my staples? Cotton dresses, lots of cardigans, and comfy ballet flats. Also, a couple good pairs of ankle pants and colorful (and striped!) shirts go a long way.

 :: Does blogging make you a better employee at your day job? ::
I honestly can’t say that it does. My blog and my job are two very separate things and I wouldn’t want it any other way. I love my job and it’s exactly what I want to be doing every day, but blogging is a creative outlet for me. It’s a place for me to get away from my job and keep a record of the little and big things in my life that are apart from my work. I think it’s important that we work well and work hard at what we do, but I think it’s just as important that we’re taking time to do other things that we really love. For me that’s taking pictures, spending time with friends, exploring my city, and writing my blog to keep a record of it all.  

:: Do you view blogging as a means of recording life, or as the start of an alternative career? :: 
Whoops, I guess I already kind of answered this question.

My blog is for recording life! A place to keep memories so that I can go back to look at them later. To remember and appreciate all that I have and everything that I do.

 :: Is blogging your main outlet, or do you also write novels, run marathons, and knit all of your own sweaters? ::
Haha, definitely don’t write novels (although I do love reading them). I like watching marathons (inspiring!!), but don’t ever plan on running one. And knitting? Well, not yet anyways, but who knows where time will take me. Blogging is one of my main outlets, yes. I also love photography. And sometimes, but only sometimes, I get crafty.

 :: How do you find time to do it all? When do you blog? ::
I find that if it’s something you love you will always make time for it. I had no idea that I would love blogging as much as I do, but it’s something that’s become a huge part of my life and I wouldn’t want it any other way. I usually blog after school or in the evenings. And I usually set my posts to go off the morning after. Now that it’s summer vacation (hooray!) I’ve been blogging whenever I want and posting right away, but it’s helpful for me to get into more of a routine when I’m working. Also, I read blogs on my lunch break and on weekend mornings. I love keeping up with my favorite blogs, but I like so many that sometimes it seems overwhelming!

 :: Finaly, what have you been pinning lately? What are the items you are just dying to add to your work wardrobe? ::
Oh, Pinterest. I just can’t stop loving you.

 I feel like my pins are always such a variety. I love pinning clothes and pictures showing interior design. I always say if I wasn’t a teacher, I would be an interior designer. I think it’s so fun to decorate and show off your creativity and style in your home. I also love pinning pictures that remind me of summer. Because to me, there is nothing better.

A huge thank you to Anna for being part of #ninetofive. Be sure to check out all of here secrets to getting this look over on the saga of a twenty-something! Psst...have a question you would love answered? Or want to be featured as part of this series? email us!


  1. Yay!!

    Thank you for the sweet intro. I love it and love being a part of this.

    And yes, if you lived in Boston we would surely be friends!! Speaking of, I need to get on top of a blogger date with Alex. Glad to have met her though this series and glad that she lives in Beantown!

    Also, should I ever come back to DC (and I hope to do sooner rather than later) I will be looking you up. Wouldn't it be fun to have a coffee date?

  2. This is a great idea! I am loving reading these!

  3. Love love love! And Lands End Canvas has so many cute things; I love seeing people's faces when I tell them something they love is from there :)
