A Gathering of Friends

Although we live across three cities, a flurry of emails confirmed our excitement! We all returned to where we grew up on the same day, with time to spare. A very unlikely occasion. The timing was perfect. Karlene was down for the weekend, we were up for the weekend, Faith was returning from a week at the beach, and Julie had an open schedule. Gosh, I know I have said it a million times, but I love these girls.

Time with them is refreshing, encouraging, and feels like home. Who would have imaged that four goofy girls from high school would have parted ways, but continue to grow closer over the years? I never could have imagined how important these ladies would be in my life. But God has a wonderful way of bringing people together. Not only have we formed lifelong friendships, but we also have grown our circle as our families have expanded. We love eachother's marriages, the husbands have all become fast friends over the years. And we love eachother's kiddos. It makes me wish we all could be neighbors or at least close enough that we would end up at soccer games and PTA meetings together. But for now, we will enjoy the times we do spend together, even if all we do is sit outback and chat.

And because outtakes make the world a better place, here we go:
Karlene either said some hilarious, or disgustingly gross based on the looks on Mark and Kyle's faces.


  1. haha these are great pictures - especially that last one!


  2. Your net! Hooray! The pictures are fanstatic.

  3. Kyle and Dracon have the same look on their face! Ha! And where am I?? Probably off chasing my crazy kids!

  4. Kyle and Dracon have the same look on their face! Ha! And where am I?? Probably off chasing my crazy kids!

  5. Wait. That last picture. AHAHAHAHHA.

  6. Friendships like that are such a blessing!
