All Dressed Up

Last weekend we drove up to Massachusetts for a wedding. The rehearsal dinner was held at a beautiful old mill turned restaurant, complete with a pond full of ducks and swans. These days Behr is completely fascinated by ducks. If an animal is not shaped like a dog (i.e. horse, cow) or a monkey, he calls it a duck. Cat = duck, fish = duck, geese and swans = definitely ducks! So hanging out by the pond and throwing bread to the ducks (or geese or swans, to be honest, I am not really sure of the differnce) made his night!

The weekend was a wonderful time with friends and Behr put on the charm.

I am linking up to Small Style with Morgan at Mama Loves Papa.
Behr is wearing: Ralph Lauren Shirt, Old Navy Cargo Shorts, Salt-Water Sandals


  1. I love that picture of the three of you. everyone looks amazing!

  2. HAHAHA i love that story. everything is a duck. you guys look so great!! :) love the hubby's shoes.

    1. duck, duck, duck...goose (oh, no. wait, that would be duck too!)

  3. Sharp sharp family! Your dress is very cute!

  4. Behr is just the MOST handsome! Oh, and you and Mark look good too ;)

  5. but I want to know what you are wearing! fabulous dress. you look radiant.

  6. really cute family photo! Hope you enjoyed MA :)

  7. What a beautiful family photo! And if the little man wants to call all animals ducks, why not? There are worse things to do in life.

  8. Such a beautiful family!
