Have you ever picked up a book and struggled to read more than a few pages at a time? Worse have you ever blatantly avoided reading a book? Well, that's where I am with A Gate at the Stairs
I have seen great reviews of this book, it came highly recommended so it seemed an easy choice for me and my over-zealous reading book buddy Whitney. And then came our fated email conversation:
Whitney: How you doing on it? I am halfway through and it's borderline painful.So there you have it. Neither of us finished the book.
Me: I don't think I can keep going... what if I just post about the failed book club book and we let you pick the next book since you clearly choose better than I do!?!
Whitney: Oh phew, I have been wanting to quit too but didn't want to fail you.
How about you? Have you read this book? Do you have a convincing plea that will keep me reading? Or should I add it to my donation pile?
Note: I feel shamed, like a sheepish seventh grader whose sub par book report clearly indicated a lack of understanding of even the main character.
Keep an eye out on my right side bar for the announcement of October's book!
I love this, and I also feel like an embarassed middle schooler. The book just needs to be returned to the library, it is giving me the stink-eye from my dresser, pretending that it will magically become excellent 70% of the way through.
ReplyDeleteThis is how I felt about reading the Hobbit. I got almost to the end, I forced myself to read it poolside everyday after work and it took months. With about 50 pages to go I just decided I didn't like it, I hadn't gotten into it like I thought I would and I didn't want to waste anymore time on it. So it might be a classic, but it just wasn't for me.
ReplyDeleteSo I haven't heard of it, but mayhaps I'll have to give it a chance to weigh in more heavily on this conversation. I've had books like this before, and I've just left them aside for a few weeks and then gone back to them. It worked (sort of). I mean, I finished them? I may not have liked them, but I finished!
ReplyDeleteDon't be ashamed. You're not the 7th grader, you're the teacher and you assigned the book, so you can make an executive decision and unassign it. Beauty of being a grown-up!