Rest and Trust

I have vacation pictures to share with you. Loads of pictures and stories and maybe even a video or two that I can't wait to put on this blog. I set aside last night for editting photos. Instead I watched two episodes of Dr. Who. (did you all know that this is my guilty pleasure? brittish sci-fy?)

I have a mounting to-do list, getting ready an alumni lacrosse game I am helping to coordinate, finishing making cards to sell at The Influence Conference a week after that, and settling after vacation. We have no milk, bread, or produce in our house. Thank goodness it is CSA day today, so at the very least we will have some apples and fall veggies. I feel like there is too much to do, and not enough time to finish. A break from blogging makes sense, but I already did that and was lazy instead of productive. Instead, I am going to keep chipping away at the thing on my to-do list that are important, cooking meals for my family, editting pictures from our vacation so we can cherish the memories, and reconnecting with good friends.

And while I do these things, and take time to rest, I will also be reflecting on this verse.

I am holding it tight.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart ~ Proverbs 3:5

It is just the reminder I need right now.


  1. Just found your blog through Green Eggs and Hammes and love it! I can totally relate to the feeling of chipping away at an endless to-do list, but am encouraged that taking a break from blogging didn't really help. Sometimes I feel like blogging drains precious time... but in other ways it really does help me review my life, record little milestones, reach out to friends and family, and focus tasks so that everything gets done. Blog on, I guess. :-)

  2. Aw love! Just take a deep breath and do everything you can! You're an amazing lady :)

  3. One day at a time... that's what I tell myself at least... ;)

  4. Such a good reminder. Good luck. And breathe. You can do it, because you're awesome.
