Small Style: Amelia Island Day One

I want to bottle the ocean air.
Breath in the salt daily.
Take Behr to play in tidal pools.
Eagerly listen as he exclaim "whoa!"
For every wave as he both chases and runs from them.

I never want to leave the beach.

While in Florida this past week, I couldn't get over how much Behr is like Mark, from their posture to their ability to stand and stare out into the ocean for what seams like hours. Behr took a while to warm up to the sand, especially when it got on his hands. But like his dad, he found the open space liberating and created his own fun. Just like his Grandpa and Uncle Ben. This last picture is the only one we captured of all of the Schreiber men. 

I am linking up with Morgan for Small Style.
Behr is wearing:
Tribal Surf rash guard from the Ocean City Boardwalk last summer.
Hand me down Gap bathing suit which might not actually be a bathing suit, but we run with it. 


  1. I love the sandy fingers photo!! I too wish I could bottle the ocean air. Sounds like a lovely holiday with your guys.

  2. i love the green rash guard.

    the beach is the bombbbbb.

  3. Aw this is so cayoot. And they definitely are similar, I totally saw that when you guys were here!

  4. What a fun time! Behr looks adorable and your photos are gorgeous! Now I want to go to the ocean right now!

  5. i couldn't agree more - bottle it up! hope you had a wonderful vacation. behr is such a big boy!
